November 1217 to November 2017:
800 years of MYTH AND MAJESTY a novel approach.
The “Magna Carta” (or “Big Book”) is a misnomer, a Magna Carta, could be about anything, it could be a Big Book of Blueberry Pie recipes! However, the Charter that was sealed by Bad King John at Runnymede in 1215, was not the Magna Carta anything and certainly NOT, the ‘Magna Carta Libertatum’ of 1217!
There, I’ve said it. Now then, here’s the thing, more so now, than in our previous hundred years, the socio-economic community of The Commonwealth of Australia needs our ‘Great Book of Liberties’. WHY?! Why if it is sooo special and crucial to our future freedom and our Commonwealth of Australia, right now, today, while I’m reading this tosh?...why then, has it been asleep at the wheel for 800 years?
Well, here it is, the mythical panacea of The Great Book of Liberties thoroughly ‘mansplained’ in 100 words or more:
[Insert ‘dramatic distraction’- IE. “Was that a Bomb under Parliament House!?”]
Imagine if you will... a selfish, greedy obstreperous little Dictator ‘un-Elect’ roaming the Nation demanding to be satisfied of every whim and pious aspiration, at your expense, in labour and time and money, all the time. All justified by the “vision” the little Dictator manifests for its future coiffed para-military Oligarchy, it is after all, “The Nation’s Leader” and needs more money, your money...
Enter Stage Right, our protagonist, a citizen, no specific Class A/1 Photo I.D. just another recalcitrant taxpayer trying to make ends meet, perhaps get up a rung or three, maybe more than one vacation a year (delete/oblique a fictitious work mate )... OK, in times of economic hardship we all have to take Stock, in this case, before that Stock is worthless, now then, a citizen begins to trim the fat off the family Budget. Let’s start with the Wide-screen Telly, yep, ...never watch the TV. anyway, ‘anng on, the Finals are starting, the new Cooking Series is underway on Cable, note to self, keep Telly. What else? The ‘Second Car’, of course the car. Only had it two years and now it needs more mechanical attention, tch, still paying off the Interest and the fuel, oops, Harley & Rosie have to get to Kindy and I need it to get to WORK, so, yep the second car’s a keeper to. Electricity ‘tick’, Gas ‘tick’ School Fees ‘tick’, a whole stack of other sundry essentials, more ‘ticks’ aaannnd $$$$.
Then one day, a citizen is reclined in grim repose upon an aging Lounge suite, oh, forgot to check the Mail yesterday... now having wandered to the Letter box on this fine sunny morning, taken a look around the street, the front garden the other side of the street, neighbours boat smells fishy, thanks mate, a citizens’ dog is barking, feral birds swooping (where are the greenies on this, a citizen thinks?), a citizen wanders back to the lounge-room. Bills have arrived, there is something strange about them, across the board, these Bills are all wrong. How much, what!? There’s a speed light camera ticket to, $380! What? That’s a 60 zone, what, they changed it, when?
Everything is more expensive because we are saving the Planet, we are told, but what it looks like is the little Dictator ‘un-Elect’ and its mates hold up in Bullshit Castle are spending and talking “The Nation” (the people, us) into dangerous debt and conflict with its big ideas for the “International Arena” and heedless of the many complaints from the WORKING POOR (lol) and the Merchant classes (bye bye), the trend continues.
An additional development, the Utility providers are acting unlawfully, it’s obvious to the peasants and increasingly aggraviting for the Merchants, even at work the people are noticing the changes, a citizens Bosses are paranoid about wasting electricity, Office Memo’s are everywhere, this craziness reminds a citizen of the “Million Year Drought” remember that? A citzen thinks. Back to normal showers and watering the lawn now tho’, pfft, the Million Year Drought ended? Did it, when?
A citizen ponders, back-side is scratched and...Post-it’s are everywhere, over-lapping faded sickers of Droughts and Record High temperatures, Heat-waves and No Snow Trips ever again, 3 minute showers and parched Lawns...Global warming this, Global warming that, mmm? Hang on, what happened to Global Warming?
Anyhoo, threats and intimidation plastered all over the Office, the fridge has got a lock on it now, many people have stopped bothering with the fridge, some citizens do,this is a citizen that doesn’t, Office Quikie noodles or a can of flavoured Tuna & Crackers (got Fukishima?); one of the Bosses (or someone) keeps turning the fridge off and putting progressively more nasty environmental stickers on it, “Climate Change”, “Antifa” (?) and hand written texta graffiti in adolescent cursive, with crude and vicious remarks about evil overpopulation killing the Planet! One featured a schoolboys head exploding in a bloody spray amid black balloons, what tha? Are these people campaigning for the environment or what?
If a citizen hears anyone in the Staff lunch-room in conversation, it’s always the same, a citizen thinks everyone is just frustrated that the “The Nations’ Leader” and it’s Front Bench, the entire Parliament for that matter appears to be too distracted with other “issues”, issues that, at face value, but not denying the validity nor diminishing the reality or whatever of the other “issues”, it’s just that, wedding venues, really? How many hundreds of millions? And what’s it for this time, Mardi Gras, Film Grants, Infomercials, for what, the largest Minority Interest Group™ in Australia, with the most powerful National Lobby Group? Those issues don’t seem to be a threat to the people, nor are the/those “issues” the fault of the people, even tho’ sanctimonious recriminations against existential villains lurking in everyone’s speech and thoughts are repeated ad nauseum in the Main Stream Media.
Wait a minute, where were we, what happened to the Planet? Is it fixed, or not as important as Wedding venues for a Minority Interest Group™. The people are confused, there’s that term again ‘The people’.
Oh, regarding the Planet and the monstrous fascist denyists that are causing Global Changing, apparently the “Science” has been determined beyond scrutiny by anyone other than a pathalogical denyist “Privilaged White Male” particularly “PWM” Scientists (Errgh! Those racist “PeeDubyaMs!”), who are really just NAZIS in Lab Coats!
And yet again, a citizen can see no clear and present danger nor anything but existential threats projected about some distant future crisis that WILL DESTROY/DROWN THE PLANET and also have the unacceptable side-effect of devaluing The Nation’s Credit Rating and hence it’s ability to take on more debt, this means the Nations’ viability and the wider community infrastructure are under threat due to Global Changing or some such ordained threat to the Globe, the Minority Interest Group™ that has distracted the little Dictator and her coterie, have a very strong Lobby Group. A headscratching citizen, has heard the term “Lobby Group” plenty of times on the Telly. No-one at work really knows what that is or means. Then someone from a Minority Interest Group™ stops by for their lunch break, the other staff realise that everyone has to learn to live with the changes, in a tolerant society, they sit quietly and tolerantly of the person from the Minority Interest Group™ talking and laughing loudly into a smart phone...
Home Sweet Home again. Well, took them a little longer this time but, they’ve balanced the family budget. No problems, everyone has to tighten their belts nowadays, things are different they tell us and will never be the same again, we are going to have to learn to live with these changes, so, just get on with it. Tho’ the eldest child’s Scientific Tablet PC Smart phone is slowing down and the School is pressuring them to buy the upgraded one due to added work-load with the inception of the new Social-gender-science-speech-tolerance curriculum etc, Oh, the new Environmentally positive Blazers are available they are, of course a few dollars more than last year, well, saving the environment is a very, very important issue and if we all have to feel a little pain to save mutha earth...$595.00 +GST (embroidery extra, because some students have different designs, dontcha noi) there’s also a compulsory lecture on ‘Environmental Racism On Campus’, that is required attendance for ALL White Male Students & Staff, white female students & staff that choose to attend will be respected for their choices and the fee to be paid immediately $168.00, wow a citizen is gob-smacked!
The brochure for Tropical Island Getaways is another little luxury we will have to set aside for now, second year in a row, or Bleed some Equity from our Property Investment/Asset/Home again, anyhow, as apposed to pulling a few more equity bricks out of the Toilet wall to pay for our now triennial holiday in Kuta, fingers-crossed, [ooh, note to self, explain the history of crossed-fingers], a citizen rests assured, we have to consider the Planet and our environment and everyone else’s feelings and their identity/ies etc etc, not to mention the influx of EXODUS level swarms of pregnant refugees from everywhere...
So now, “The Nation” is broke, has massive Debt; which appears to be the only “issue”, yep, all those other “issues” are now one big “ISSUE” and the only issue the little Dictator gives any attention to anymore, that’s because, well, because all the other “Nation’s Leaders” throughout the world are working hard to save the Planet from their “the People” (there’s that term again, white people mainly and their supporters, pretty much) that are destroying The Planet as well.
However-comma, all this attention on “The Nation’s Debt” (Heads up: When they say “The Nation”, they mean The People, when they say “The Economy”, they mean The Banks), appears to have only one result - each individual Nation’s Debts, are all now substantially bigger and getting bigger as the demands for more and more resources to sustain the existential “issue” so important to the Minority Interest Group™ even tho’ things continue to get progressively worse for the average family with NO positive Environmental outcomes!
One day, a citizen is at home on the weekend slumped into the couch casting a gazely stare at a flickering panel in the corner of the room, numb with regret, when suddenly! There’s another “Breaking News” story on the Telly, is it another foiled terror attack attempt by Federal Informants? The well-dressed pale shiny studious looking man answering the robust red-haired ladies questions (who looks decidedly uncomfortable in lippy & makeup) is insisting that all life will end on earth if his demands aren’t met, well, not his demands, the scientific community agree with him, so, he needs more money (no, wait, go back again, “agree with him” who’s him and who agrees with what?) and more tolerance and less racist privileged white Global Change deniers, who are really just Nazis, because we progressive types, unlike bad people that don’t care about the environment, did I mention that they’re all fascists by the way, which is really just a Nazi, the Nazis hate peace and tolerance, because they are white, white men are, well, they are just bad and should be, and will be, eradicated, because they don’t know how to reproduce and they are dying out and that’s great because the environment will die if privileged white people aren’t eradicated off the face of the greenie lovey dovey leftie dysgendered dyslexic mutha earth; so now the Global community must and will have to accept that we will now just get on with the agenda because the consensus is that we need more money to save the Planet from “The White Privilege People”, who are racists, sexists and denyists, ciss gendered rapists.
The Telly shouts abuse at the evil PWM, a citizen in the lounge room. Breaking News! “Tonight, the storms raging in from the ocean are worse than anyone can remember!”, we are told by The Nation’s Leader and her coterie of “experts”, the whiney monologue continues... “insist, that if dramatic action is not taken now, and privileged white people, males mostly, aren’t stopped.
Oh no!” This just in...“It’s too late, the privileged white people have ruined the entire world for ever and ever and ever, now look, look, loooook! The Sky is Falling! OMG! Omg! More Money! We need a special genda-fluid Eco-secret weapon instrument like a precision scientific environmental Financial Derivative to Trade the Earth out of this privileged white male imposed calamity!
Yayyyy! Bankers will Save the Planet with a Derivative Bubble the size of Jupiter! Jupiter’s a pretty colour, it’s not white like the Nazi Moon! Yayyyy!
Ed. The above nightmare scenario is entirely fictitious dramatised quasi reportage that is merely the opinion (pfft) of a privileged white male and of course should be dismissed if not shouted down with inane blustered ad hominem attacks!
Indulge me again, please...let’s pretend The Sky is falling, the sky is falling...!
Never fear, the Big Book is here! I mean the BIG BOOK of LIBERTIES! Yay team, again and again, yay! The Magna Carta Libertatum to the rescue? No, not really, well, sort of, it’s complicated...
The Nazi Moon.
“Noblesse Oblige...”. What a chivalrous act it was for the Barons to call “shyte” on “the Bad” King John’s conduct throughout the Nation, actually, though it may be considered “chivalrous” by some spruikers for the 1215 meme, it was act-ually Treason! Drum roll, ta da, da duuummm!
So, let’s talk about “Good” wars and, the other kind we’ll save for later.
The Temple Knights’ connexion, the Bad King John was not mates with the Knights that held sway over the recently Incorporated City of London, they were mercenaries in the pay of Big Daddy who also operates from an Incorporated City State in Rome. The Knights of the Temple, were not amused on behalf of Big Daddy, due to the punishing taxes on the Church and the Dictatorial arrogance concerning who picks the whose cronies for the role of Arch Bishop of Canterbury of Bad King John, as they were invested in Free Will and Liberty from their own Authorities, Temple Church, Temple Tower, Currency transfers, Promissory Notes etc etc, no banking tho’ they weren’t Bankers, just, let’s say, guarantors for the most powerful Pope that ever reigned - Pope Innocent Ш, bucket loads of cash, property ships, mm, remember those ships that Columbus reckons he sailed to India to fetch back some spices and instead discovered somewhere else? That’s why the current accepted indigenous natives of the North Americas are called “Indians” Columbus thought he sailed to India, on ships that were stolen from the Templars, lol, poetic justice:
"We have granted to God and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished and its liberties unimpaired."
A citizen reads a strange story while surfing anti-Trump riot-porn on-line, “...800 years since the...”, Magna blah blah Carta blah blah Libertatum, whatever that is, was signed (no it wasn’t) by bad King John at Runnymede in 1215, because a bunch of Baron’s didn’t want to pay their taxes to an allegedly corrupted and incompetent King! Sounds like those ‘Founding Fathers’ eh!?
A Work in progress...
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